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The new edition of ' D´Ruta ' begins on October 22, with the route ' Zarzalar-Embalse del Taibilla '



26/09/17. With the slogan ' Take the path of healthy life ', the Department of Sports of the city of Caravaca de la Cruz launches a new edition of the municipal Program of Trekking ' D´Ruta ', with departures, of different levels of difficulty, to natural landscapes and areas Mountain region and neighboring provinces.
The Department of Sports promotes this activity, which takes place monthly of the month of October to the month of May, to combat sedentariness and promote healthy habits of life among the population, through the practice of sport in nature.

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Each of the outputs planned within the D´Ruta program will be guided by specialized instructors in the practice of trekking. In total, eight routes have been programmed, of low, medium and high intensity. Children aged from the age of nine will be able to participate in those low-level outings of difficulty.
The Municipal Trekking program ' D´Ruta ' 2017/2018 begins next October 22 with the route ' Zarzalar-Embalse del Taibilla ', with a distance of approximately 14 kilometres and cataloged with a low intensity level. In addition, the following routes have been planned: ' Cañaverosa-paddies de Calasparra ' (5 November), ' Alberquilla-Peña Rubia ' (December 3), ' retippers ' (14 or 21 January), ' The Vulture by the Toril ' (11 or 18 February), ' Pico del Fraile ' (25 March), ' Strait of Bolvonegro ' (May 13) and ' Vereda de las Estrellas-suspension bridges of the Cahorros of Granada ' (26 and 27 May)



Registrations can be formalized from Monday before each outing, in the offices of the municipal sports service, located in the pavilion Juan Antonio Corbalan, or in the Web portal of reservations For more information, interested persons can contact the technicians of the Department of Sports through the telephone number 968 703 563 or the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..